
Transform your content

Transform content that you’re already posting online and in social media into dozens, hundreds or even thousands of personalized stories in just minutes:

  • Enrollment

  • Dean’s List

  • Graduation

  • Study-abroad

  • Athletics


Target your stories

Merit automatically targets your stories to relevant audiences by combining your data with our managed databases:

  • Students

  • Parents and family

  • Local media

  • Social media

  • High schools

  • Government reps


Share your stories

Merit enables audiences to easily share your stories with their networks organically increasing your reach by 10x on average.

43% percent of students are more likely to choose a school when learning about it from family and friends on social media.


Drive traffic to your website

Merit drives all of the interest generated by your stories back to your own website where audiences can learn more about your institution

Bates College saw a 600% increase in web traffic after publishing their Merit Dean's List.